vineri, 10 aprilie 2015

Intervenții artistice în spațiul școlii - copaci curcubeu

Anya Beaumont este un artist plastic pentru care comunitatea în care trăiește este foarte importantă. De curând, a realizat cu copiii unei școli primare din localitatea sa o instalație de copaci curcubeu pentru care a folosit deșeuri de plastic. Activitatea a durat două săptămâni și a constat în colectarea și selectarea deșeurilor de plastic, discuții despre cum arată copacii din jurul școlii și despre ce se întâmplă cu obiectele după ce nu mai sunt folosite și realizarea de către fiecare clasă a câte unei instalații - copac. Iată cum descrie Anya întregul proces:

”Initially I asked the children and staff to bring in any non-recyclable plastics they had at home or in school.When enough plastic had been collected I sorted it in colour order and drilled holes into some of the pieces to enable the children and myself to attach the plastics to chicken wire. Then, I worked with each class on a different coloured tree, using cable ties and wire to attach them.

I talked to the children about the importance of thinking about what happens to an object after it has been used, and whether we really need many of the plastic items that seem to break so easily. We also discussed different trees, their shape and size, looking at those near the school which influenced me in my original designs for the installation.

My input depended on the age and ability of the children, with their ages ranging from 5 to 11. All in all it took about two weeks to complete.

The resulting installation is even better than I had hoped, it is sited on one of the schools perimeter fences, and when the sun is shining it illuminates the plastics so they almost look like stained glass!”

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