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Filmul campaniei:
Anca Tîrcă, poveste în poveste
Motto : “Pentru mine
a fost mereu vorba de educație. Am reformat școala de stat în care lucram, am
transformat un mic proiect de școală privată într-unul de succes, am fost
printre cei care au modernizat curriculumul și formarea profesorilor în România,
am scris multecărți și am realizat o serie de studii și analize, am fost mentor
pentru mii de profesori și școli, am implementat numeroase proiecte și am consiliat
instituții și organizații de marcă din țară și din străinătate Am, prin urmare,
ce să spun, când vine vorba de educație.” (Anca Tîrcă)
În cele
mai multe povești, există personaje fabuloase, obiecte magice, tărâmuri
fermecate și întâmplări miraculoase, într-un timp și spațiu imaginar. În
povestea noastră, Anca Tîrcă este un personaj real, care a trăit și trăiește în
România, și care, ca într-o poveste cu final fericit, a schimbat miraculos,
oameni și școli, în numele și pentru o educațe mai bună. Și tot ca în basme, în
povestea Ancăi Tîrcă au existat și motive: motivul drumului, motivul luptei,
motivul obstacolelor, motivul victoriei sau motivul iubirii. Și, da, ca într-un
basm, tema generală
a fost lupta dintre bine și rău, concretizată însă diferit, ca lupta între
dreptate și nedreptate, adevăr și minciună, curaj și lașitate, generozitatea și
egoism, acțiune sau delăsare. Povestea
Ancăi este o poveste a unui OM devenit personalitate, care a fost inspirat prin
educație și inspiră, la rândul său, educație.
Așadar, a
fost o dată, ca niciodată o persoană care ne-a inspirat să scriem povestea ei. Anca
Tîrcă s-a născut în Pucioasa, Dâmbovița, într-o lună pe care am aflat că o iubește
foarte mult, pentru bogăția de flori din grădina ei - iulie, în 1957. A crescut
și a învățat. Și a început să scrie povești de viață și povești care schimbă
Ancăi - elevă este despre întâlnirea cu prințesa care schimbă vieți. Este
povestea care s-a întâmplat la limita dintre magic și realitate, într-o
mansardă mică, cu parfum de epocă, cu cărți și reviste englezești și
franțuzești, cu bune maniere și educație din plin. Anca a avut șansa să învețe limba
engleză și limba franceză, în lecții private, de la prințesa Elena Donici Cantacuzino,
exilată de comuniști în Pucioasa și a avut inspirația de a învăța de la prințesă demnitatea, bucuria de a
împărtăși, eleganța, rafinamentul și, poate, stilul de om și de profesor. Este despre
Anca inspirată de prințesă.
Povestea Ancăi - viitoare profesoară de limba engleză a început la Facultatea de
limbi și literaturi străine din cadrul Universității din București. Și, ca
într-o poveste frumoasă, Anca Tîrcă s-a întors în orașul în care s-a născut,
mai întâi ca profesoară de limba engleză în liceul în care a învățat (acum,
Colegiul Național “Nicolae Titulescu”), apoi în școala în care a fost elevă. Anca
Tîrcă este acea profesoară de limba engleză, care oferea elevilor săi altfel de lecții, făcea altfel de
ore de limbă engleză, cu muzică bună, cu altfel de texte și materiale, în plin
comunism. Este despre Anca inspiratoare pentru elevii ei. („Mi-e dor de anii când vă
eram elevi. Îmi dau seama si mai mult că ne-ati oferit o școală ‘ca afară’ și
chiar mai mult, cu atâta pasiune și dragoste. O moștenire extraordinară pentru
care generații întregi vă sunt recunoscătoare.” - Andrada Bleahna, expert
traducător în UK, fostă elevă; “Anca Tîrcă a reprezentat pentru mine un model de profesor
și de om, care m-a inspirat și mi-a schimbat viața! O profesoară care inspira
într-o vreme când nu existau manuale digitale, o profesoară ale cărei ore mă
fascinau deși nu existau metode
interactive de predare, o profesoară care mă motiva să lucrez în plus, un astfel de profesor mi-a schimbat viața, în
bine, desigur, atunci când eu am decis să devin profesoară de engleză! De aceea, în fiecare an, în a șaptea zi din iulie, o
vizitez pe Anca în grădina cu minuni, îi mulțumesc că există în viața mea, îmi
vorbește despre florile ei care îmi dau energie
pozitivă, ne amintim de alte timpuri, gândim numai de bine, ne împărtășim
bucurii și le punem în vorbe frumoase și sincere… Adevărat este că un profesor
bun este cel care inspiră ! Anca
Tîrcă este un profesor care inspiră !" - Florentina Bratu, profesoară de lb. engleză.)
Anca Tîrcă a continuat să
învețe și a absolvit numeroase cursuri și
programe postuniversitare din SUA, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Slovenia, Italia,
Cehia și Polonia, având certificare ca
trainer internațional în programe de dezvoltare a gândirii critice, management
educațional, manager de proiect, formator național pentru reforma
educației, specialist în dezvoltarea
resurselor umane și educația adulților.
Povestea Ancăi - directoare a școlii în
care a fost elevă, Școala nr. 4 din Pucioasa
(1997-2005), căreia, ulterior, i-a dat numele de “Elena Donici Cantacuzino”, în memoria și în semn de respect
pentru prințesa cantacuzină, a fost una cu și despre miracole. Este despre Anca Tîrcă care a visat o școală altfel, într-o
perioadă în care rutina, încremenirea în proiect, aplicarea uniformă de
regulamente și lipsa de inițiativă defineau școlile din România. Este despre Anca vizionară și inspiratoare pentru profesorii și elevii școlii. (“La mine la școală s-a predat curajul.
Am învățat să spunem lucrurilor pe nume, am învățat să ne deschidem și să nu ne fie frică să creștem. Și am
învățat să ne jucăm - cu emoții, cuvinte și frici. Și să le acceptăm. Poate că
de-asta fiecare dintre noi a rămas puțin mai copil, putin mai ancorat acasă,
puțin mai liber decât alți copii, din alte școli. Mulțumesc, Anca! - Maria Doda,
creative director la MRM/ McCann, anterior Social Media Manager la PRO TV).
Anca Tîrcă a introdus la Școala 4 Elena Donici Cantacuzino din
Pucioasa, în anul școlar 1991-1992, prima uniformă școlară modernă din România
post comunistă. A înființat primul consiliu
al elevilor din România, în Școala nr. 4 din Pucioasa; ulterior, ideea s-a
răspândit în toată țara și a fost preluată și de ministerul educației. În plus,
prima președintă a Consiliului Național al Elevilor a fost o elevă din
Pucioasa, Raluca Voicu, care a învățat la Școala nr. 4 și apoi, la Colegiul Național “Nicolae Titulescu”. Și a transformat mica ei școală, din orașul ei mic,
într-una dintre cele mai reformiste școli din România, vizitată și apreciată de
specialiști în educație din toată ţara și din străinătate, de reprezentanți ai
Băncii Mondiale, miniștri ai educației, pedagogi și cercetători în educaţie. Este
despre Anca inspiratoare pentru
alți profesori și factori de decizie din țară și străinătate. („Şcoala Nr. 4 din
Pucioasa e un „miracol românesc”. Ea arată că reforma învăţământului este nu
numai necesară, ci chiar posibilă. Îmi vine greu să cred că se poate vedea ceva
asemănător în prea multe părţi din ţară. Din păcate! Şcoala Nr.4 este un model
activ, o şcoală care a înţeles, în primul rând datorită unui om de excepţie –
Anca Tîrcă – şi datorită unei echipe de excepţie, că reforma o facem noi
profesorii, o facem şi o inventăm noi, şcoala, părinţi comunitate, cu toţii
laolaltă.” - Alexandru Crișan,
expert internațional pe educație, fost președinte al Centrului Educația 2000+).
Povestea Ancăi freelancer-specialist în educație în România și în străinătate a început oficial în 2005, însă Anca lucrase
în numeroase proiecte, înainte de a renunța la învățământ. Este despre Anca
team leader al unor echipe internaționale, key-expert și consultant pentru diverse companii, instituții și organizații
- Banca Mondială, WYG International UK,
Ministerul Educației din Turcia, WYG Turkey, Centrul Educația 2000+, ECO
Bruxelles, Trend Consultant, British Council, MEN, inspectorate școlare, școli
private etc. Pe parcursul întregii sale activități profesionale, Anca a
promovat activ inovația și schimbarea de paradigmă în educație și a furnizat
soluții pentru reformarea sistemelor de învățământ. A conceput și derulat peste
200 de programe de dezvoltare profesională pentru profesori, manageri și
inspectori școlari, a dezvoltat curricula și module de formare pe diverse teme
inovatoare, a elaborat studii și analize și a scris numeroase cărți despre
educație, a coordonat proiecte complexe de reformă a educației din RomâniaLa
nivel internațional, a susținut cursuri de formare pentru profesori din
Croația, Ucraina, Ungaria, Polonia și Turcia. Este despre Anca inspiratoare pentru specialiști din educație. („Dragă Anca, a fost o reală plăcere să lucrăm
sub comanda ta. Profesionalismul, delicatețea și diplomația ta ne-au
impresionat.Te cunosc de mult si te apreciez, dar, după ce am lucrat împreună,
aprecierile s-au amplificat. Aș dori să mai am o asemenea șansă. Iți mulțumesc
și îți doresc numai bine!” - Vasile
Molan, conf. universitar dr., pedagog renumit)
Anca Tîrcă a susținut și susține cursuri și ateliere de
formare pe teme de educație (peste 50 de teme abordate), a colaborat și
colaborează cu instituții publice și private, naționale și internaționale, în
domeniile: management de proiect, management educațional, training și
dezvoltarea resurselor umane, realizarea de studii și analize, consiliere,
consultanță și coaching, susținerea/ facilitarea de prezentări publice,
întâlniri, conferințe și ateliere pe diverse teme de educație. A elaborat numeroase studii și
analize, a scris 21 de cărți despre educație și a coordonat elaborarea a peste
30 de lucrări și publicații: “Educaţie pentru cetăţenie democratică - ghid
pentru profesori” (1999, coautor), “Cum să vă schimbaţi şcoala - ghid de
management participativ pentru directorii de şcoli, (2000, coautor), “Consiliul
Elevilor – ghid de organizare şi funcţionare” (2000, coautor), “Învăţare
activă-ghid pentru profesori” (2001, coautor), “Şcoala şi
comunitate ”, (2002, coautor), “Strategii didactice inovative”
(2003, coordonator, coautor), „Reforma la firul ierbii - un
studiu de politici educaţionale” (2003, capitolele 3,5,6), “Managementul
Evenimentelor Educaţionale, (2003, coautor), “O şcoală prietenoasă”
(2004, coautor), “Educaţia civică prin activităţi extraclasă - ghid pentru
profesori” (2004, coautor), “Proiectul şcolii” și “Adaptarea
curriculum-ului la contextual local” - module de formare pentru
facilitatori şi şcoli publicat în cadrul proiectului de învăţământ rural al
MECT, Banca Mondială şi Guvernul României (2005, coautor), Raport al Băncii
Mondiale ”From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: an Unfinished Agenda –
an Evaluation of World Bank Support to Primary Education”, 2006, Evaluation
of the World Bank Assistance to Basic Education in Romania – A Country Case
Study, The World Bank, 2007, “Management şcolar – ghid pentru directorii
de şcolii (2008, coautor), „Ghidul furnizorului de formare continuă a
personalului din învăţământul preuniversitar ”, (2009, coautor), „Ghid
de management educațional” (2011, coautor), „Călătoria spre o școală
bună – ghid pentru dezvoltarea capacității instituționale”(2012,
coordonator, coautor), „Prevenirea părăsirii timpurii a școlii – ghid de
bune practici” (2012, coordonator,
coautor), „Artă participativă în școli” (2016, coordonator și
coautor). Este despre Anca autoare și scriitoare de cărți care inspiră.
Povestea Ancăi – autoare a blogului ”Despre
educație - reforma la firul ierbii” (
este povestea personalității care simte nevoia să împărtășească lecții
învățate, experiențe, idei, gânduri, informații sau emoții. Blogul Ancăi este unul dintre cele mai bune și mai citite bloguri de
educație din România. A fost citit în 84 de țări, are, în prezent, peste 600
000 de accesări și a inspirat de-a lungul celor 6 ani de existență, nenumărate
școli, profesori, directori, specialiști în educație, părinți și elevi. Este despre Anca inspiratoare pentru zeci sau
sute de mii de persoane interesate de educație, care îi umăresc
postările, se implică în campaniile lansate de ea (cele mai recente – „Școli
prietenoase și creative”, ”Dă culoare școlii tale!” și „Toată școala citește”),
reinventându-se sau reinventând școli.
Povestea Ancăi este povestea personalității care a contribuit la
dezvoltarea comunității locale, județene sau chiar europene, prin tot ce a construit în educație. Anca Tîrcă a creat școala
care, în mod oficial, era recunscută de către Ministerul Educației, în 2001 ca
fiind cea mai bună școală din România, o școală cu programe educaționale
inovatoare, cu rezultate deosebite în ceea ce înseamnă formarea copiilor pe
toate planurile, nu numai în plan academic, ci și în plan socio-emoțional, o
școală despre care se vorbea mult, pe vremea aceea.Și foarte multă lume a aflat
de orașul Pucioasa, practic, și prin această școală, pentru că școala a fost
vizitată, în perioada 2000-2004, de mii de profesori din țară, din străinătate,
directori de școală, studenți, profesori universitari, delegații străine,
reprezentanți ai unor instituții importante.Contribuția Ancăi la dezvoltarea
comunității locale se regăsește în limba engleză temeinic învățată de mulți
dintre copiii și tinerii orașului și în dimensiunea națională și internațională
a școlii pe care a condus-o. Au fost multe proiecte de educație care s-au
întâmplat în Pucioasa și în zonă, ocazii cu care mulți străini au vizitat
orașul. Contribuția sa la dezvoltarea comunității la nivel regional, național,
dar și internațional rezultă din sutele de cursuri ținute, zecile de proiecte
în care a lucrat, în echipe naționale sau internaționale în care expertiza sa a
fost valoroasă și apreciată.
Povestea Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU este povestea Ancăi retrăită de ea și
promovată de echipa care implementează proiectul de campanie “Better Education Through
Trusted Educators & Role models”, în cadrul concursului național pentru liceeni “EUROSCOLA”, ediția a
XII-a (2019-2020). Este povestea care s-a lăsat descoperită în superba
grădină sau pe terasa casei sale, ori în parcul orașului mic, în care a scris
mari povești de educație. Această poveste profesională a depășit cadrul cu care
suntem obișnuiți când vorbim de personalități sau persoane de succes, pentru că
a fost o poveste cu emoții, cu amintiri și visare, deopotrivă, dar mai ales cu
prezența inspiratoare a Ancăi. Când am ales povestea Ancăi pentru a promova rolul
și importanța educației, nu a fost deloc greu. În povestea noastră comună, Anca
a fost cea care ne-a ghidat spre a găsi sensurile și semnificațiile demersului
nostru de promovare a educației, în cursul acestui proiect și după finalizarea
sa, dar și cea care a pregătit cele mai bune tarte cu mure pentru noi, care
ne-a dăruit lavandă și pietre inspiratoare de povești, care a ales să deschidă cutia cu amintiri despre
educație, cu noi. Iar noi am descoperit că amintirile ei de preț erau lucruri
simple: călimara, cărți vechi de la prințesa Cantacuzino, mesaje și fotografii,
caietul cu cântece în limba engleză de pe vremea când era profesoarăNe-am
bucurat să aflăm cât de firesc și frumos
se poate construi și trăi succesul. Este despre Anca inspiratoare pentru
povestea Educația schimbă vieți.
Pentru noi, întreaga poveste a Ancăi este dovada
că, da, se poate. Nu există școală prea mică, oraș prea mic, vis prea mic,
poveste de necrezut. Putem visa să ne transformăm sau să transformăm școli și
comunități, dacă îndrăznim, vrem și ne lăsăm inspirați. Căci nu despre a retrăi
povestea Ancăi Tîrcă este vorba, ci despre a trăi și transmite lecțiile
învățate “de jos în sus, prin acțiuni mici, care contează’, “reinventând, la
firul ierbii”.
Filosofia Ancăi Tîrcă despre transformarea școlii este una la îndemâna
tuturor școlilor: “Pentru că la un
moment dat, în viața mea, împreună cu o echipă de profesori curajoși, am
transformat, din poziția de director, o școală tradițională în cea mai
inovatoare școală din România, am tot scris și am tot vorbit prin diferite
locuri și de multe ori, despre reforma din interior, despre cum școlile se
pot reforma și reinventa prin forțe proprii.”
proiectului nostru este “BETTER – an Educational Journey to Your Very Own Path”, pentru că am gândit
educația ca pe o călătorie spre propria cale, către mai binele individual,
instituțional sau comunitar, împreună, inspirați
de o personalitate și inspiratori pentru alții. Ideile despre transformarea
școlilor și a comunităților au fost inspirate de Anca Tîrcă, în mod direct, în
cursul interviului, al atelierelor de lucru BETTER-EDU și al numeroaselor
activități de campanie sau prin consultarea blogului „Despre educație-reforma la firul ierbii”. Și am fost mîndri
că am putut alătura numele echipei noastre de cel al personalității care ne-a
inspirat, în ceea ce am numit filosofia Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU: “Educația de calitate se produce
într-un spațiu primitor,
în care elevii și profesorii se simt bine,
iar fiecare copil este inspirat, ghidat și sprijinit, pentru
o călătorie de învățare continuă, de către profesori
empatici, inovatori și dedicați, pentru a
progresa, pentru a-și găsi
calea și pentru a-și împlini visul,
în comunități
sustenabile, în școli care se reinventează, la firul ierbii.
So, once upon a time, there was a person who inspired us to write her story. Anca Tîrcă was born in Pucioasa, Dâmbovița, in a month about which we found out that she loves very much-for the richness of flowers in her garden-July, 1957. She grew up and learned. And she began writing life stories and stories which change lives.
The story of Anca, the student is about the meeting with the princess who changes lives. It is the story which happened at the border between magic and reality, in a small attic, with vintage perfume, with English and French books and magazines, with good manners and a lot of education. Anca had the chance to learn English and French in private lessons, from princess Elena Donici Cantacuzino, who had been exiled in Pucioasa by the communists and she had the inspiration to learn from the princess about dignity, the happiness of sharing, elegance, refinement and, maybe, the type of human and teacher. It’s about Anca inspired by the princess.
The story of Anca, the future English teacher began at the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bucharest. And, like in a beautiful story, Anca Tîrcă came back to her home town, at first as an English teacher in the highschool where she studied (nowadays “Nicolae Titulescu” National College), then in the school where she was a student. Anca Tîrcă is that English teacher who offered the students another kind of lessons, she taught other types of English classes, with good music, with other types of texts and materials, in full communism. It is about Anca being an inspiration for her students. (“I miss the years when we were students. Now, I realise even more that you offered us a school “like abroad” and even more, with so much passion and love. An extraordinary inheritance for which many generations are grateful to you. – Andrada Breahnă, expert translator in the UK, former student; “Anca Tîrcă represented for me a model of a teacher and of a human, who inspired and changed my life! A teacher who was inspiring in a time when there weren’t any digital textbooks, whose classes were fascinating for me, a teacher who motivated me to work more, this type of teacher changed my life, for the better, when I decided to become an English teacher! That’s why on the seventh day of July every year, I visit Anca and her garden of wonders, I thank her for being a part of my life. She tells me about her flowers, which give me a positive energy, we remember about other times, we have only good thoughts, we share our joys and we put them in beautiful and sincere words...It is true that a good teacher is the one that inspires us! Anca Tîrcă is a teacher that inspires! – Florentina Bratu, English teacher.)
Anca Tîrcă kept on learning and completing numerous courses and postgraduate programmes in the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland, being certified as an international trainer in the development of critical thinking programmes, educational management, project manager, national trainer for the education reform, specialist in human resources development and adult education.
The story of Anca, the headteacher of the school where she was a student, School no.4 Pucioasa (1997-2005), to which, subsequently, she gave the name of “Elena Donici Cantacuzino”, in the in memory of and as a token of respect for the Cantacuzino princess, was a story with and about miracles. It is about Anca Tîrcă who dreamed of a different school, in a time when the routine, getting stuck in the project, the uniform application of regulations and the lack of initiative defined the schools in Romania. It is about the visionary and inspirational Anca for the school’s teachers and students. (“At my school courage was taught. We learned to be straightforward, we learned to open up and not to be scared of growing up. And we learned to play – with emotions, words and fears. And to accept them. Maybe that’s why each one of us remained a little more childlike, a little more anchored at home, a little more free than other children from other schools. Thank you, Anca!” –Maria Doda, creative manager at MRT/McCann, previously Social Media Manager at PRO TV).
Anca Tîrcă introduced in School no.4 ,,Elena Donici Cantacuzino” in the year 1991-1992, the first modern school uniform in post-Communist Romania. She founded the first Students Council in Romania, in School no.4, in Pucioasa; later on, the idea spread in the whole country and was taken over by the Ministry of Education. Moreover, the first president of the National Students Council was a student from Pucioasa, Raluca Voicu, who studied at School no.4 and then, at “Nicolae Titulescu” National College. She transformed the small school, from her small town, into one of the most reformist schools in Romania, visited and appreciated by specialists in education from the whole country and from abroad, by the World Bank’s representatives, ministers of education, teachers and education researchers. It is about Anca being inspiring for other teachers and decision-makers from the country and from abroad. (“School no.4 from Pucioasa is a “Romanian miracle”. It shows that the education reform is not only necessary, but even possible. It is hard to believe that something similar can be seen in many parts of the country, unfortunately! School no. 4 is an active model of a school that understood, first of all, thanks to an exceptional person -Anca Tîrcă- and due to an exceptional team, that we, the teachers, the school, the parents, the comunity, all of us make and invent the reform.” –Alexandru Crișan, international expert in education, former president of Education Center 2000+).
The story of Anca, freelancer-specialist in education, in Romania and abroad, officially started in 2005, but Anca had previously worked in many projects, before giving up education. It is about Anca being the international team leader, key-expert and consultant for many companies, institutions and organisations- the World Bank, WYG International UK, the Ministry of Education in Turkey, WYG Turkey, the Education Center 2000+, ECO Bruxelles, Trend Consultant, British Council, the Ministry of National Education, school inspectorates, private schools etc. During her whole professional activity, Anca actively promoted the innovation and the paradigmal change in education and provided solutions to reforming the educational system. She conceived and ran over 200 professional development programs for teachers,managers and school inspectors, and developed the curriculum and training modules on various innovative topics, elaborated studies and analyses and wrote many books about education,coordinated many complex projects of education reformation in Romania. At the international level, she organized development courses for teachers from Croatia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Turkey. It is about Anca being inspiring for other specialists in education. (“Dear Anca, it was a real pleasure to work under your command. Your professionalism, your delicacy and your diplomacy impressed us. I have known you for a long time and I appreciate you, but, after working together, our appreciations have amplified. I wish I could have such a great change again. Thank you and best wishes!”- Vasile Molan, university conf. dr., renowned educator).
Anca Tîrcă has organized and is still organizing training courses and workshops on topics about education (over 50 approached topics), she has collaborated and is still collaborating with public and private, national and international institutes, in different domains: project management, educational management, training and human resources development, conducting studies and analyses, counselling, consulting and coaching, supporting/facilitating public presentations, meetings, conferences and workshops on many topics about education. She developed numerous studies and analyses, wrote 21 books about education and coordinated the elaboration of over 30 works and publications: “Education for democratic citizenship – guide for teachers “ ( 1999, co-author), “How to change your school-participative management guide for schools“ , (2000, co-author), “Students Council- organization and activity guide” , (2000, co-author), “Active learning –guide for teachers” (2001, co-author) , ”School and community” , (2002, co-author), ”Innovative didactic strategies” (2003, coordinator, co-author), “Grass root reform- an educational political study”(2003, chapters 3, 5, 6), “The Management of Educational Events”, (2003,co-author), “A friendly school“(2004, co-author),”Civic education through extraclass activities- guide for teachers” (2004,co-author), “School’s project” and “The adaptation of the curriculum to the local context“ -training modules for facilitators and schools published within the rural teaching project of the Ministry of Education, the World Bank and the Government of Romania (2005, co-author), the World Bank Report “From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: an Unfinished Agenda- an evaluation of World Bank Support to Primary Education”(2006) , Evaluation of the World Bank Assistance to basic education in Romania- a Country Case Study, The World Bank 2007, “School management- guide for school head teachers (2008,co-author). “Guide of the provider of continuous training of the pre-university education personnel”,(2009,co-author), “Educational management guide” (2011, co-author), “Journey to a good school – guide for institutional capacity development” (2011,co-author) , “Prevention of early school leaving- good practice guide” (2012,coordinator and co-author), “Participative art in schools” (2016, coordinator and co-author). It is about Anca, the author of books that inspire.
The story of Anca story, the author of the blog “About education- the grass roots reform” ( is the story of a personality who feels the need to share the lessons that she learned, experiences, ideas, thoughts, information or emotions. Anca’s blog is one of the best and read blogs about education from Romania. It has been read in 84 countries and it currently has over 600 000 hits and it has inspired, throughout the 6 years of existence, countless schools, teachers, head teachers, specialists in education, parents and students. It is about Anca being inspiring for tens or hundreds of thousands of people interested in education, who follow her posts, get involved in the campaigns launched by her (the most recent ones- “Creative and friendly schools”, “Colour your school!” and “The whole school reads”), reinventing herself or reinventing schools.
Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU story is Anca`s story experienced by herself and promoted by the team that implements the campaign project “Better Education Through Trusted Educators & Role models”, within the national competition for high school students “EUROSCOLA”, the XII-a edition (2019-2020). It is the story that left itself uncovered in her wonderful garden, on her house balcony or in the small town’s park, in which she has written many educational stories. This professional story went beyond the framework that we are used to when we talk about personalities or successful people, because it was a story filled with emotions, memories and dreams, but mostly, with Anca`s presence that inspired us. When we chose Anca`s story to promote the role and importance of education it was not hard at all. In our common story, Anca was the one that led us to find the meanings of our approach to promoting our education campaign, during the project and after its completion, but also the one that baked the best blackberries pie for us, the one that gave us lavender and inspirational stones full of stories, the one that chose to open her education memory box with us. And we discovered that her most important memories are the simple ones: the ink pot, old books from the Cantacuzino Princess, messages and photos, the notebook filled with English songs from the time when she was a teacher. We were glad to find out how naturally and beautifully success can be made and lived. It is about Anca - our inspiration for the story “Education changes lives”.
For us, Anca`s whole story is the proof of everything being possible. Schools too small, towns too tiny, dreams too little and unbelievable stories don`t exist. We can dream about transforming ourselves or transforming schools and communities if we dare to, we want to, and let inspiration flow through us. Because it`s not about reliving Anca`s story, it is about living and sharing the lessons that we learned “bottom-up, through small actions that matter”, “reinventing, at grass roots level”. Anca`s philosophy about transforming schools is available to every school: “Because at one time in my life, with the help of a team of brave teachers I changed, from the position of a school head teacher, a traditional school into the most innovative school from Romania, I have written and written , talked and talked in different locations many times, about the inside reform, about how schools can reinvent and reform themselves with their own forces.”
Our project slogan is “BETTER – an Educational Journey to Your Very Own Path”, because we thought about education like a journey to your own path, towards better individual, institutional or community wellbeing, together, inspired by a personality and inspirational for the others. The ideas about the transformation of schools and communities were inspired directly by Anca Tîrcă, during the interview, the BETTER-EDU workshops and the many activities from our campaign or by consulting the blog “About education-grass roots reform”. And we were proud to add to our team`s name, the name of the personality that inspired us in what we created and named Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU philosophy: “Quality education is produced in a friendly environment, where students and teachers feel good, and every child is inspired, guided and supported throughout a journey of continuous learning, by empathic, innovative and dedicated teachers, to progress, to find the path to fulfil their dreams, in sustainable communities, in schools that reinvent themselves at grass roots level”.
Anca Tîrcă-story in a story
Motto: ”For me it has always been about education. I reformed the
public school where I was working, I transformed a small private school
project into a success, I was one of the people who modernized the
curriculum and teachers’ training in Romania, I have written many books
and I have conducted a series of studies and analyses, I have been a
mentor for thousands of teachers and schools, I have implemented
numerous projects and I have counselled institutions and famous
organizations in the country and abroad. Therefore, I have what to say
when it comes to education.”
( Anca Tîrcă)
In most stories, there are fantastic characteres, magic objects, magic realms and miraculous events, in an imaginary time and space. In our story, Anca Tîrcă is a real character, who lived and lives in Romania, and like in a happy ending story, she miraculously changed people and schools, in the name of and for a better education. And, yes, like in fairy tales, in Anca Tîrcă’s story there were some symbols: the symbol of the road, the symbol of the fight, the symbol of the obstacles, the symbol of the victory or the symbol of love. And, yes, like in a fairy tale, the main theme was the fight between good and evil, embodied, however, differently, like the battle between justice and injustice, truth and lie, bravery and cowardice, generosity and selfishness, action or carelessness. Anca’s story is a story of a HUMAN that has become a personality, who was inspired through education and who, in her turn, inspires education.
In most stories, there are fantastic characteres, magic objects, magic realms and miraculous events, in an imaginary time and space. In our story, Anca Tîrcă is a real character, who lived and lives in Romania, and like in a happy ending story, she miraculously changed people and schools, in the name of and for a better education. And, yes, like in fairy tales, in Anca Tîrcă’s story there were some symbols: the symbol of the road, the symbol of the fight, the symbol of the obstacles, the symbol of the victory or the symbol of love. And, yes, like in a fairy tale, the main theme was the fight between good and evil, embodied, however, differently, like the battle between justice and injustice, truth and lie, bravery and cowardice, generosity and selfishness, action or carelessness. Anca’s story is a story of a HUMAN that has become a personality, who was inspired through education and who, in her turn, inspires education.
So, once upon a time, there was a person who inspired us to write her story. Anca Tîrcă was born in Pucioasa, Dâmbovița, in a month about which we found out that she loves very much-for the richness of flowers in her garden-July, 1957. She grew up and learned. And she began writing life stories and stories which change lives.
The story of Anca, the student is about the meeting with the princess who changes lives. It is the story which happened at the border between magic and reality, in a small attic, with vintage perfume, with English and French books and magazines, with good manners and a lot of education. Anca had the chance to learn English and French in private lessons, from princess Elena Donici Cantacuzino, who had been exiled in Pucioasa by the communists and she had the inspiration to learn from the princess about dignity, the happiness of sharing, elegance, refinement and, maybe, the type of human and teacher. It’s about Anca inspired by the princess.
The story of Anca, the future English teacher began at the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bucharest. And, like in a beautiful story, Anca Tîrcă came back to her home town, at first as an English teacher in the highschool where she studied (nowadays “Nicolae Titulescu” National College), then in the school where she was a student. Anca Tîrcă is that English teacher who offered the students another kind of lessons, she taught other types of English classes, with good music, with other types of texts and materials, in full communism. It is about Anca being an inspiration for her students. (“I miss the years when we were students. Now, I realise even more that you offered us a school “like abroad” and even more, with so much passion and love. An extraordinary inheritance for which many generations are grateful to you. – Andrada Breahnă, expert translator in the UK, former student; “Anca Tîrcă represented for me a model of a teacher and of a human, who inspired and changed my life! A teacher who was inspiring in a time when there weren’t any digital textbooks, whose classes were fascinating for me, a teacher who motivated me to work more, this type of teacher changed my life, for the better, when I decided to become an English teacher! That’s why on the seventh day of July every year, I visit Anca and her garden of wonders, I thank her for being a part of my life. She tells me about her flowers, which give me a positive energy, we remember about other times, we have only good thoughts, we share our joys and we put them in beautiful and sincere words...It is true that a good teacher is the one that inspires us! Anca Tîrcă is a teacher that inspires! – Florentina Bratu, English teacher.)
Anca Tîrcă kept on learning and completing numerous courses and postgraduate programmes in the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland, being certified as an international trainer in the development of critical thinking programmes, educational management, project manager, national trainer for the education reform, specialist in human resources development and adult education.
The story of Anca, the headteacher of the school where she was a student, School no.4 Pucioasa (1997-2005), to which, subsequently, she gave the name of “Elena Donici Cantacuzino”, in the in memory of and as a token of respect for the Cantacuzino princess, was a story with and about miracles. It is about Anca Tîrcă who dreamed of a different school, in a time when the routine, getting stuck in the project, the uniform application of regulations and the lack of initiative defined the schools in Romania. It is about the visionary and inspirational Anca for the school’s teachers and students. (“At my school courage was taught. We learned to be straightforward, we learned to open up and not to be scared of growing up. And we learned to play – with emotions, words and fears. And to accept them. Maybe that’s why each one of us remained a little more childlike, a little more anchored at home, a little more free than other children from other schools. Thank you, Anca!” –Maria Doda, creative manager at MRT/McCann, previously Social Media Manager at PRO TV).
Anca Tîrcă introduced in School no.4 ,,Elena Donici Cantacuzino” in the year 1991-1992, the first modern school uniform in post-Communist Romania. She founded the first Students Council in Romania, in School no.4, in Pucioasa; later on, the idea spread in the whole country and was taken over by the Ministry of Education. Moreover, the first president of the National Students Council was a student from Pucioasa, Raluca Voicu, who studied at School no.4 and then, at “Nicolae Titulescu” National College. She transformed the small school, from her small town, into one of the most reformist schools in Romania, visited and appreciated by specialists in education from the whole country and from abroad, by the World Bank’s representatives, ministers of education, teachers and education researchers. It is about Anca being inspiring for other teachers and decision-makers from the country and from abroad. (“School no.4 from Pucioasa is a “Romanian miracle”. It shows that the education reform is not only necessary, but even possible. It is hard to believe that something similar can be seen in many parts of the country, unfortunately! School no. 4 is an active model of a school that understood, first of all, thanks to an exceptional person -Anca Tîrcă- and due to an exceptional team, that we, the teachers, the school, the parents, the comunity, all of us make and invent the reform.” –Alexandru Crișan, international expert in education, former president of Education Center 2000+).
The story of Anca, freelancer-specialist in education, in Romania and abroad, officially started in 2005, but Anca had previously worked in many projects, before giving up education. It is about Anca being the international team leader, key-expert and consultant for many companies, institutions and organisations- the World Bank, WYG International UK, the Ministry of Education in Turkey, WYG Turkey, the Education Center 2000+, ECO Bruxelles, Trend Consultant, British Council, the Ministry of National Education, school inspectorates, private schools etc. During her whole professional activity, Anca actively promoted the innovation and the paradigmal change in education and provided solutions to reforming the educational system. She conceived and ran over 200 professional development programs for teachers,managers and school inspectors, and developed the curriculum and training modules on various innovative topics, elaborated studies and analyses and wrote many books about education,coordinated many complex projects of education reformation in Romania. At the international level, she organized development courses for teachers from Croatia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Turkey. It is about Anca being inspiring for other specialists in education. (“Dear Anca, it was a real pleasure to work under your command. Your professionalism, your delicacy and your diplomacy impressed us. I have known you for a long time and I appreciate you, but, after working together, our appreciations have amplified. I wish I could have such a great change again. Thank you and best wishes!”- Vasile Molan, university conf. dr., renowned educator).
Anca Tîrcă has organized and is still organizing training courses and workshops on topics about education (over 50 approached topics), she has collaborated and is still collaborating with public and private, national and international institutes, in different domains: project management, educational management, training and human resources development, conducting studies and analyses, counselling, consulting and coaching, supporting/facilitating public presentations, meetings, conferences and workshops on many topics about education. She developed numerous studies and analyses, wrote 21 books about education and coordinated the elaboration of over 30 works and publications: “Education for democratic citizenship – guide for teachers “ ( 1999, co-author), “How to change your school-participative management guide for schools“ , (2000, co-author), “Students Council- organization and activity guide” , (2000, co-author), “Active learning –guide for teachers” (2001, co-author) , ”School and community” , (2002, co-author), ”Innovative didactic strategies” (2003, coordinator, co-author), “Grass root reform- an educational political study”(2003, chapters 3, 5, 6), “The Management of Educational Events”, (2003,co-author), “A friendly school“(2004, co-author),”Civic education through extraclass activities- guide for teachers” (2004,co-author), “School’s project” and “The adaptation of the curriculum to the local context“ -training modules for facilitators and schools published within the rural teaching project of the Ministry of Education, the World Bank and the Government of Romania (2005, co-author), the World Bank Report “From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: an Unfinished Agenda- an evaluation of World Bank Support to Primary Education”(2006) , Evaluation of the World Bank Assistance to basic education in Romania- a Country Case Study, The World Bank 2007, “School management- guide for school head teachers (2008,co-author). “Guide of the provider of continuous training of the pre-university education personnel”,(2009,co-author), “Educational management guide” (2011, co-author), “Journey to a good school – guide for institutional capacity development” (2011,co-author) , “Prevention of early school leaving- good practice guide” (2012,coordinator and co-author), “Participative art in schools” (2016, coordinator and co-author). It is about Anca, the author of books that inspire.
The story of Anca story, the author of the blog “About education- the grass roots reform” ( is the story of a personality who feels the need to share the lessons that she learned, experiences, ideas, thoughts, information or emotions. Anca’s blog is one of the best and read blogs about education from Romania. It has been read in 84 countries and it currently has over 600 000 hits and it has inspired, throughout the 6 years of existence, countless schools, teachers, head teachers, specialists in education, parents and students. It is about Anca being inspiring for tens or hundreds of thousands of people interested in education, who follow her posts, get involved in the campaigns launched by her (the most recent ones- “Creative and friendly schools”, “Colour your school!” and “The whole school reads”), reinventing herself or reinventing schools.
Anca`s story is the story of a personality that contributed to the development of the local, county and even European community,
through everything that she has built in education. Anca Tîrcă created a
school that was officially recognized by the Ministry of Education in
2001 as the best school in Romania, a school with innovative educational
programs, with great results in what child development means at all
levels, not only at the academic level, but at the social-emotional
level as well, a school that was well known and talked about, at that
time. And a lot of people heard about Pucioasa, basically because of
that school, because it was visited, between 2000 and 2004, by thousands
of teachers from Romania and from abroad, by school head teachers,
university teachers, foreign delegations and representatives of
important institutions. Anca`s contribution to the development of the
local community is found in the English language learned by the kids and
teenagers of the town and in the national and international dimension
of the school that she managed. There were many projects related to
education that took place in Pucioasa and nearby, on which occasions a
lot of tourists visited the town. Her contribution to the development of
the community at the regional, national and international level stems
from the hundreds of courses she organized, tens of projects in which
she worked, in national or international teams in which her expertise
was valuable and appreciated.
Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU story is Anca`s story experienced by herself and promoted by the team that implements the campaign project “Better Education Through Trusted Educators & Role models”, within the national competition for high school students “EUROSCOLA”, the XII-a edition (2019-2020). It is the story that left itself uncovered in her wonderful garden, on her house balcony or in the small town’s park, in which she has written many educational stories. This professional story went beyond the framework that we are used to when we talk about personalities or successful people, because it was a story filled with emotions, memories and dreams, but mostly, with Anca`s presence that inspired us. When we chose Anca`s story to promote the role and importance of education it was not hard at all. In our common story, Anca was the one that led us to find the meanings of our approach to promoting our education campaign, during the project and after its completion, but also the one that baked the best blackberries pie for us, the one that gave us lavender and inspirational stones full of stories, the one that chose to open her education memory box with us. And we discovered that her most important memories are the simple ones: the ink pot, old books from the Cantacuzino Princess, messages and photos, the notebook filled with English songs from the time when she was a teacher. We were glad to find out how naturally and beautifully success can be made and lived. It is about Anca - our inspiration for the story “Education changes lives”.
For us, Anca`s whole story is the proof of everything being possible. Schools too small, towns too tiny, dreams too little and unbelievable stories don`t exist. We can dream about transforming ourselves or transforming schools and communities if we dare to, we want to, and let inspiration flow through us. Because it`s not about reliving Anca`s story, it is about living and sharing the lessons that we learned “bottom-up, through small actions that matter”, “reinventing, at grass roots level”. Anca`s philosophy about transforming schools is available to every school: “Because at one time in my life, with the help of a team of brave teachers I changed, from the position of a school head teacher, a traditional school into the most innovative school from Romania, I have written and written , talked and talked in different locations many times, about the inside reform, about how schools can reinvent and reform themselves with their own forces.”
Our project slogan is “BETTER – an Educational Journey to Your Very Own Path”, because we thought about education like a journey to your own path, towards better individual, institutional or community wellbeing, together, inspired by a personality and inspirational for the others. The ideas about the transformation of schools and communities were inspired directly by Anca Tîrcă, during the interview, the BETTER-EDU workshops and the many activities from our campaign or by consulting the blog “About education-grass roots reform”. And we were proud to add to our team`s name, the name of the personality that inspired us in what we created and named Anca Tîrcă & BETTER-EDU philosophy: “Quality education is produced in a friendly environment, where students and teachers feel good, and every child is inspired, guided and supported throughout a journey of continuous learning, by empathic, innovative and dedicated teachers, to progress, to find the path to fulfil their dreams, in sustainable communities, in schools that reinvent themselves at grass roots level”.
(traducere Euroscola CNNT)
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